Saturday, December 10, 2016

My Theme Song for 2017 - DO SOMETHING

My new theme song for 2017 is  "DO SOMETHING" something by Mathew West.

"Be the change you want to see in the world".

I just launched a new community "WOMEN ON THE MOVE"
#WomenOnTheMove  #IfNotUsThenWho 

We are a group of women who have big dreams for our lives and are determined to make them happen. 
We work with women in business and leadership as well as women in transition. Our goal is to create a movement and community where women feel empowered and supported to take bold leaps to live their dreams and love their life, by providing the confidence, tools and networks to be the change they want to see in the world through community or business leadership.
Our ultimate goal is to help support women to step into their destiny to live their dreams and love their life, whether that is launching a new business, starting a new non-profit, undertaking a new volunteer activity or creative project. 

Monday, December 5, 2016


It is with great excitement and passion that I relaunch the Women On The Move programs.  The first time I offered ‘Live Your Dreams, Love Your Life’ was in 2008 when I was a Ladies Who Launch Certified Facilitator.  At that time, Women on The Move was founded on similar pillars of the Ladies Who Launch Incubator program.

Over the past few years, my life journey has taken me on some pretty interesting adventures, some were completely amazing and full of self discovery, others were very painful and confusing, while others, I actually wondered about my future and whether I would be able to continue working or have to go on long term disability.
I totally believe we are given experiences and challenges to take us to places that stretch us beyond what we ever thought possible, to bring us back with new understand and knowledge so we are able to speak life and wisdom into the lives of other people who desperately need love, support, understanding, compassion and guidance.

I am thankful for every single experience because I have grown, evolved and adapted with each and feel they were fundamental in bringing me back to this place where I feel ignited to make change and start a movement for women and girls to step into their destiny, to live their dreams and love their life, to be the change they want to see in the world.

2017 marks the beginning of a new chapter and journey in my life, one which will take a life to complete. The moment has just begun and I fully embrace what the universe has in store for me.


Sincerely,  Nancy BethGuptill

WORKSHOP DATES: January 13, 20, 27, February 3              
TIME: 9:15 AM PM – 11:30 AM
LOCATION:  Summerside PEI

WORKSHOP DATES: February 17, 24, March 3, 10
TIME: 9:15 AM PM – 11:30 AM
LOCATION:  Charlottown PEI