Saturday, May 5, 2018


As I go deeper in relationship with God and listen to the call He has over my life, I reflect on the past 48 years of my Christian walk. The many roads He had me travel with experiences of being a member of different church communities, all of which I love and cherish.

Now that I am back at my home church, the one I was raised in and becoming reacquainted with, I realize God’s plan for me. 

As I prepare to become an Anglican Lay Reader, I am learning the Anglican Way.
What I love about the Anglican Way is we are radically open while steeped in tradition. An example of being radically open would be having someone of the Jewish Faith and an Atheist partake and assist in a service. Our belief is that we are still sharing in God's Love whether a believer or not, or coming from different faith backgrounds. Meanwhile, we are steeped in tradition by the prayers we recite, the garments we wear and the service rituals we perform because they all have significant meaning.

I am so very thankful for the St. Mary's Parish. I am also so very thankful for Reverend Colin and the wonderful conversations we have had, and the many more to come.

Friday, March 9, 2018

We Will Advance and We Will Backslide. What's Most Important is Staying in the Game and Putting One Foot In Front of the Other!

I'm in a really good place right now in my life! Such a big change from just 2 years ago when I was quite sick. 

It was 2 years ago that I had what felt like a heart attack in the middle of one of our worst snow storms of the winter - and that experience seemed to reset my heart condition that was completely crippling my life. 

I believe it was through the power of positive thinking and prayers of others that carried me through! How is it one day you are speaking with your internist about going off on permanent disability and having to find a way to improve your quality of life, to sharing that conversation with your inner-circle and close faith based friends, to within a week having a wickedly terrifying heart experience, to starting a new road to recovery and realizing your new normal ... and now being able to work full time and then some.

I'm thankful for my family, friends, career and professional network, volunteer network, faith network, and so much more.

I'm sharing this because 2 years ago, I was grieving a lot of loss in my life as a result of the illness ... heck ... I was grieving even just a year ago and was not sure of my direction. I vividly recall attending the PEI Business Women's Association's Symposium last year thinking 'What am I even doing here!" ... I actually felt at an all time low because I knew what it was like to build up a fairly successful business then due to circumstances beyond my control becoming way out of the loop of the women's business community ... so much had changed and I felt old and washed up! Now ... a year later I'm sitting on the Board of Directors helping to lead the organization. So much has changed in one year.

It really takes putting one foot in front of the other and having the ability to look to higher ground, press in and believe there's something more than what you see before you. It also takes those unexpected awesome encounters when someone speaks into your life - and that actually happened at PEIBWA symposium. A wonderful lady, near the end of the conference, someone I admire and respect and know fairly well, said some pretty profound things to me after I shared honestly with her where I was at in my life. The cool thing is - about 5 years before - she was in one of my programs and I spoke into her life that helped give her direction. Funny how the universe puts the perfect person in our path just at the right time when we need it most. She doesn't know who she is but I will share with her one day because it was her words of inspiration and affirmation that gave me the kick-in-the-butt that I needed.

So to anyone out there struggling to find their way - I say to you please keep going! This too shall pass, and when you breakthrough to higher ground, when you become victorious over your circumstance, you will actually look back and see the life lesson that was given to you, that will help you to bless and speak in to the lives of others.

Life is full of peaks and valleys, we will advance and we will backslide. What's most important is staying in the game, and to always keep putting one foot in front of the other!


Nancy Beth is the President and Executive Consultant at Sweet Spot Academy.

As an Internet and Digital Marketing veteran, Nancy Beth has vast experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Online Safety and Protecting Your Digital Footprint. Since 2010, Nancy Beth has been highly sought after to share her message on being a Digital Leader, using the Internet & Social Media for good, and how to safely navigate the Social Web. 

Keynote Speaker | Executive Coach | Training Consultant | Founder of Sweet Academy (@sweetspotacadmy) | (@nbguptill)  

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